Sunday, 27 February 2011

Waiting for Parts in Nassau

Waiting for Repairs
Jack left the boat and a big hole in my reality. He was a great partner and I hope he can return to the boat at some time. With his help we got the boat across the Gulfstream and across the Little Bahama Bank. There are always lots of issues on a boat that was marina bound for 3 years and with his help I feel the boat is now doing what it was designed for. The comradery was superb and I will miss it.
So now I'm waiting for parts for the outboard and transitioning to a solo sailor for now. I wrote down a few things to do, woke up at 7 and got to it. It wasn't much really but on a boat the chores that dirt dwellers take for granted as easy are a different animal altogether. Today was laundry day.
1. Gather dirty clothes (no problem)
2. Deploy dinghy and check out dinghy landing through binoculars at The Green Parrot Bar to see if they are open. (not something you do in Orlando)
3. Load Computer, wallet, phone, clothes, and soap into the luggage carrier. Put it in the pitching dinghy (ferries and cruise ships going to and fro).
4. Row to the bar where there is a nice floating dock. (not sure who paid for it so I thank everyone who looks at me)
5. Walk to bar number 2, Hammerheads (Get Hammered at Hammerheads is the sign),where internet is free. They open at 11 and I purchase a beer (to pay for the internet) $3. Check mail and ask Bob, manager, where  the laundramat is. Bob has all the answers and volunteers to take drive me. Cool dude
6. Buy $8 in tokens, start the wash and visit the sharing library and the marina where the machines are and start a new book. The wash takes forever as the waterflow for regular folks is a fast drip. The wash and a couple of chapters are done so back to Hammerheads to thank Bob again.
7. Bob left so I decide to download Skype (overdue). Order a Kalick as I should pay for the internet right? It works and I can talk to Sheril for 2.3 cents a minute instead of $2/minute. I finish the beer and the bartender, doing her job right, brings another. Oh well, I'm getting alot of benefits here so what the hell.
8. Walk back to dinghy dock. The Green parrot is right on the water and I see my boat is safe and sound. They put the race on one of the televisions and I order a Goombay Smash. (I should acknowledge their charity provision of the dinghy dock right?
9. Finish and pay for drink. Load everything back into the dinghy and row back out to the mother ship. The sun is setting. It took a whole day to do the laundry.

1 comment:

  1. Jim, glad you are having a great time. We miss you! Love,Lucie
